“What is at stake at the April elections is whether Hungary will have a government that fights for Hungarian interests or gives up the fight”, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó said on Monday in a telephone statement to Hungarian news agency MTI from Geneva, where he is attending the 37th session of the UN Human Rights Council.

According to Mr. Szijjártó, at the meeting it also became absolutely clear that there will be a huge battle in the upcoming months, because the UN wants to have migration accepted as a fundamental human right, meaning everyone is free to migrate to wherever they want to.

“We must realise that if the UN succeeds in pushing this through then it will lead to the death of European and Christian civilisation, because if migration becomes a fundamental human right then anyone who wants to can come to Europe. We Europeans have already seen the clear effects of this in recent years, and for precisely this reason what will be at stake at the April elections is whether the country will have a government that fights the battle against migration or gives up that fight”, the Minister said.

There is a huge debate going on within the United Nations, and the organisation’s high ranking officials are attempting to put pressure on member states in an attempt to make us share their view on migration. They are continuously trying to push the importance of border protection into the background and want illegally crossing a border to be regarded as a just an administrative issue and not a crime. According to their position illegal border crossers should not be criminalised, and countries must refrain from turning migrants back both on land and at sea. They want to encourage migration, not stop it, Mr. Szijjártó said.

The Hungarian Foreign Minister stressed that in contrast the security interests of UN member states and their citizens dictate precisely the opposite, that borders must be protected, that they may only be crossed in accordance with regulations, and that illegal border crossers must be strictly punished, and especially those who do so in an aggressive manner, while it must be made absolutely clear to people who are considering illegal immigration that they can expect to be turned back.