According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade’s Minister of State for Information and Hungary’s International Image, the opposition’s “playing at solidarity” proves that it is unfit to lead the country. Speaking on Hungarian M1 television’s Monday evening current affairs program, Tamás Menczer made the statement with relation to the fact that Green Party MEP Judith Sargentini took part in a demonstration in Brussels together with Hungarian opposition party politicians.

According to Mr. Menczer, if any of the opposition parties was fit to lead the country it would enter the arena independently, but now they hope that “through solidarity, from all the unfit politicians there might emerge a fit one, with the help of George Soros and the Brussels pro-immigration politicians”, but this is obviously not the case. According to Mr. Menczer, what is happening is “pro-immigration racketeering”, in which the opposition wants to sell off Hungary’s security for small change and to gain political power. The politician said this was pathetic and dangerous.

With relation to the case of Ahmed H., the Minister of State said that in a normal world EU member states and institutions would have shown solidarity towards Hungary, in view of the fact that the court convicted a terrorist who attacked the Hungarian border and the Hungarian police officers defending it. Instead, the pro-immigration MEPs demonstrated in support of Ahmed H., with Judith Sargentini at the helm, in addition to which the Sargentini Report states that Ahmed H. only wanted to help his family, but was convicted by the Hungarian court. This lie also proves that “purely political attacks” are being aimed at Hungary in all cases and we can never talk about receiving fair procedure.

(Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister/MTI)