The Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade criticised Brussels on Wednesday for not concerning itself with the threat of terrorism, while it is instituting infringement procedures against Hungary and two other Central-European countries in the quota case.

Why is the European Commission not concerning itself with how to give security back to the European people? Why are they not concerning themselves with what should be done against the most serious threat of terrorism of all time in Europe? Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó asked these questions.

Within a short time, hundreds of innocent people died in terrorist attacks. The question is when the European Commission or the European Parliament is finally prepared to deal with this, the Minister continued.

Why is the European Commission not holding a meeting about how to manage the most serious threat of terrorism of all time? Why are they not concerning themselves about how to give security back to the European people? Why are they not concerning themselves with what should be done against the most serious threat of terrorism of all time in Europe? He asked the questions.

The politician added: they are now very good at treating Hungary, Poland and the Czech Republic as „culprits”, but this merely demonstrates the double standards that exist in Europe.

According to Mr Szijjártó, it is double standards that the Greek Commissioner for Migration and Home Affairs Dimitris Avramopoulos, who announced the institution of the infringement procedures, supported the erection of a fence on the Greek-Turkish border as Greek Defence Minister, and in actual fact, claimed in 2013 that the fence stopped illegal immigration. The very same person now, however, announces the institution of infringement proceedings against Hungary.

"I thought that there is a limit also to the European double standards, but it was ascertained yesterday that there isn’t", the Foreign Minister said.    
Hungary is doing everything it can in order to guarantee the Hungarian people’s security, and to ensure that illegal migrants cannot gain access to Western-Europe through Hungary, the Minister said.

Mr Szijjártó pointed out: they regard the European Commission’s decision on the institution of the proceedings as blackmail pure and simple.   
Despite the pressure exerted, Hungary insists on not letting in illegal immigrants.

We simply cannot allow the European Commission to take the right away from the Member States to decide whom they wish to let in, and whom they want to live together with and whom not, the Minister said.

He highlighted: we insist that the Hungarian people and Hungary alone should have the right to decide who may enter the territory of the country and "whom we want to live together with".

Mr Szijjártó said: there is ongoing consultation among the Visegrád Four whose positions "fully coincide".

We made it clear that we are not going to yield to pressure, we are not going to yield to blackmail, Mr Szijjártó stated, adding: the Visegrád countries resist, and will not introduce the mandatory quotas.

In response to the Commission proceedings announced on Tuesday, Polish Government Spokesperson Rafal Bochenek said: Beata Szydlo’s government has regarded the forced redirection of refugees as a flawed solution to the migration crisis right from the beginning.

"Every new decision on the redirection of migrants encourages thousands, what’s more, millions of people to set out for Europe, to board ships and boats, and to risk their lives”, Mr Bochenek said in conclusion.

Czech Prime Minister Bohuslav Sobotka stated: his government continues to maintain its position to the effect that it will not take part in the distribution of migrants on the basis of mandatory quotas. The Czech Republic has sound arguments with which it is able to defend its position during the course of the infringement proceedings, the Prime Minister added.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade)