Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade

Péter Szijjártó

Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade

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Reports about Hungarian brutality towards refugees are untrue

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, October 21, 2016 10:18 AM

“Reports about brutality by Hungarian police towards migrants are untrue; the people who wrote these have not been to Hungary, or if they did they are lying”, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó declared on the BBC World’s Hard Talk programme, which aired on Wednesday evening and Thursday.

The signing of the planned free trade agreement between the EU and Canada is still uncertain

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, October 20, 2016 12:32 PM

“The planned signing of the free trade agreement between the European Union and Canada (Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement, CETA) next week is still uncertain, because several countries continue to have doubts”, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó told reporters on Tuesday following a meeting of EU foreign affairs and trade ministers in Luxembourg.

Brexit will also effect Hungary’s growth trajectory

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, October 20, 2016 11:04 AM

“The growth trajectory of the Hungarian economy will also be fundamentally affected by what concrete agreement is reached between the British Government and the European Union on the United Kingdom’s exit of the EU”, Péter Szijjártó said in London.

Foreign investments are safe in Hungary

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, October 19, 2016 3:09 PM

“Foreign-owned companies and investments are absolutely safe in Hungary, we are an extremely investor-friendly and open country”, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó, who is on an official visit to London, told CNBC on Wednesday in a live interview.

Joint Statement on the Biological Weapons Convention Review Conference

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, October 18, 2016 5:09 PM

The following joint statement by the Foreign Ministers of Hungary, the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom and the United States was delivered by Ambassador György Molnár (Hungary) at a plenary session of the United Nations First Committee at UN Headquarters in New York on 17 October 2016. States Parties to the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention will hold their Eighth Review Conference in Geneva on 17-25 November 2016, chaired by Ambassador György Molnár.

The situation in Syria seems hopeless

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, October 18, 2016 1:55 PM

“The situation in Syria seems hopeless”, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó declared in the recess of the meeting of European Union Member State Foreign Ministers in Luxembourg.

Imbalanced European solution would not favour resolution of conflict

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, October 17, 2016 3:28 PM

A solution may be reached in Syria if the United States and Russia come to an agreement, and therefore an imbalanced European solution that unilaterally condemns Russia would not favour the resolution of the conflict in Syria, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó told the Hungarian News Agency MTI by telephone before the Luxembourg meeting of the Foreign Ministers of EU Member States.

Deputy State Secretary Kristóf Altusz hold talks with his Latvian counterpart

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, October 15, 2016 11:28 AM

Deputy State Secretary Kristóf Altusz received his counterpart, the Latvian Foreign Ministry’s Deputy State Secretary for EU Affairs Inga Skujiņa on the 14th of October 2016 in Budapest.

Péter Szijjártó holds talks with ASEAN Foreign Ministers

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, October 14, 2016 2:42 PM

Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó held bilateral talks with the Foreign Ministers of Malaysia, Singapore, Laos and Myanmar in Bangkok on Friday on the sidelines of a summit of European Union and Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Foreign Ministers.

The EU should develop tighter cooperation with Southeast Asia

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, October 14, 2016 1:53 PM

“Isolation is not a good solution; the European Union should develop closer cooperation with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)”, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade told Hungarian news agency MTI on Friday.