Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade

Péter Szijjártó

Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade

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European Leaders must stop using doublespeak

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, October 28, 2015 4:48 PM

“All European leaders must stop using doublespeak with relation to the handling of the migration crisis”, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó told Hungarian news agency MTI on Wednesday.

Increasingly intensive relations with the United Arab Emirates

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, October 28, 2015 4:44 PM

“Relations between the United Arab Emirates and Hungary are becoming increasingly intensive, from which Hungarian enterprises that perform to world class standards will be able to profit to the greatest extent”, Minister of State Levente Magyar said following a two-day visit to Abu Dhabi and Dubai.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade has learnt with regret of the powerful earthquake at the border of Afghanistan and Pakistan

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, October 28, 2015 4:00 PM

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade has learnt with regret of the powerful earthquake at the border of Afghanistan and Pakistan on 26 October 2015, which caused the death of hundreds of people and injured thousands.

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade László Szabó meets Italian Deputy Foreign Minister Benedetto Della Vedova

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, October 28, 2015 3:56 PM

On 27 October 2015 Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade László Szabó met Italian Deputy Foreign Minister Benedetto Della Vedova in Budapest.

Rebuilding pragmatic cooperation with Russia is in best interests of Hungary and Europe

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, October 27, 2015 5:09 PM

Rebuilding pragmatic cooperation with Russia is in the best interests of Hungary and the whole of Europe because while the current European political context does not favour European-Russian cooperation, it is clear that European competitiveness cannot be regained without this, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó said at his press conference held on Tuesday in Budapest.

The Hungarian model effectively addresses both migration and economic challenges

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, October 27, 2015 4:39 PM

At a business forum organised by the American Chamber of Commerce (AmCham) in Budapest on Tuesday, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó underlined that the Hungarian model effectively addresses both migration and economic challenges.

Migration is not an answer to European employment and demographic challenges

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, October 27, 2015 1:08 PM

At the ICON economic policy forum discussion on the economic policy impacts of migration held in Budapest on Monday, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó said that migration is by no means an answer to European employment and demographic challenges.

The EU should apply the Hungarian model

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, October 24, 2015 6:43 PM

“Hungary is alone in complying with Schengen and Dublin regulations during the immigration crisis; the Hungarian model works and the European Union should use it as a basis for finding a solution to the conflict”, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade said.

Strong interest in Hungary at Finnish business forum

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, October 22, 2015 3:20 PM

Finnish businesspeople showed a strong interest in Hungarian investment opportunities and economic relations at a business and innovation forum held in Helsinki on Wednesday, Parliamentary State Secretary László Szabó from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade said.

Agreement must be reached between transatlantic community and Russia within shortest possible time

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, October 21, 2015 4:21 PM

There is a need for an agreement between the transatlantic community and Russia within the shortest possible time. This is necessary in order to end the war in Syria and to resolve the immigration crisis, Péter Szijjártó told the Hungarian News Agency MTI by telephone on Wednesday upon rendering an account of his talks in Moscow.