Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade

Péter Szijjártó

Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade

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The restrictive measures introduced along our borders must be lifted

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, May 19, 2020 10:53 AM

“The restrictive measures introduced along our borders because of the coronavirus epidemic must be lifted”, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó said on his Facebook page on Monday following talks with Slovenian Economy Minister Zdravko Počivalšek. According to Mr. Szijjártó’s post, the two ministers expressed their mutual appreciation of each other’s handling of the global pandemic.

We must strive to achieve a rational and prudent balance

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, May 19, 2020 10:52 AM

“We must strive to achieve a rational and prudent balance with relation to protecting against the virus, with due attention to protecting health, rebooting the economy and successfully returning to normal life”, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó said in his pre-agenda speech before Parliament on Monday.

526 investors have applied for competitiveness-increasing funding to date

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, May 18, 2020 1:10 PM

“526 investors applied for competitiveness-increasing funding until Monday morning, and have undertaken to realise a total of 254 billion forints (EUR 715 million) in investments”, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó said on Monday in Budapest following the presentation of investment funding certificates to three Hungarian enterprises.

Hungarian enterprises to realise over 50 million euros in investment in Serbia

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, May 18, 2020 12:47 PM

“Hungarian enterprises will be realising eighteen billion forints (EUR 50.6 million) in investments in Serbia, towards which the Hungarian government is providing 8.5 billion forints (EUR 24 million) in funding, and both the Serbian and Hungarian economies will be gaining strength as a result”, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó announced on Friday in Belgrade.

Wizz Air’s 100th aeroplane arrives transporting healthcare equipment from China to Hungary

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, May 18, 2020 11:30 AM

“Wizz Air’s 100th aeroplane transporting the equipment required for health protection from China to Hungary arrived in Budapest on Friday”, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó announced on his Facebook page on Friday.

The BMW plant in Debrecen will be built

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, May 15, 2020 11:55 AM

“The BMW plant in Debrecen will be built; so far, everything has gone according to the original schedule, the construction site was officially handed over to the investor on Friday”, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó announced at a Facebook press conference on Friday from Debrecen.

Japan is providing pharmaceuticals to treat the virus

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, May 15, 2020 9:51 AM

“Hungary is among several countries to which Japan is providing a pharmaceutical that has been shown to be successful in treating the coronavirus at no cost”, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó said in a Facebook post on Thursday.

The epidemic could generate new waves of migration aimed at Europe

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, May 15, 2020 9:36 AM

“The situation that has developed because of the coronavirus could generate new waves of migration in the direction of Europe, which in addition to the inherent security and cultural risks, now also represent a threat to health”, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó wrote in a Facebook post on Friday following a meeting with his European Union counterparts.

121 aeroplanes have brought protective equipment from China to date

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, May 15, 2020 9:19 AM

“121 aeroplanes have brought the equipment necessary for health care protection to Hungary from China to date”, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó said in a statement to Hungarian news agency MTI on Thursday evening.

Migration represents an increasingly serious threat

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, May 15, 2020 8:21 AM

“Not only is migration simply present, but it represents an increasingly serious threat”, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó said in a video posted to his Facebook page on Thursday following a meeting with the head of the Office of the Prime Minister of Malta.