The European Union has approved the operational programme within the framework of which Hungary will spend 34 billion forints (EUR 108.7 million) to support those in need during the 2014-2020 financing period, government spokeswoman Éva Kurucz announced at a joint press conference with Minister of Human Capacities Zoltán Balog on Monday.

Ms. Kurucz said the funds will be spent on food, care for the elderly and the homeless. She said supporting people in need is a priority for the Government, pointing out that compulsory kindergarten attendance will be introduced next September and significantly more children will be eligible to receive free school meals from 1 January 2016.

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Minister Balog said the ‘Support for People in Need Operational Programme’ is the first to have been approved by the European Commission, with EU funding of almost 30 billion forints (EUR 97 million), and further funding from the Hungarian budget. He said the Programme will also be used to supply those in need with household appliances and that the country is tightening the social net so that no one in need can fall through it, adding that the Programme will cover all age groups.

Mr. Balog said that only a small proportion of children under the age of 3 living in underdeveloped regions currently attend nursery school, meaning that some of the EU funding for household appliances and infant care products will be distributed through childcare centres, where mothers in need can also learn the basics of parenting.

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The Programme will offer help to a total of 250,000 people, including children, the disabled, the old and the poor, Minister Balog said, adding that food and household appliances will be procured by the state, with domestic and social enterprises being favoured during the procurement process.

(Ministry of Human Capacities)