The Government has made the new childbirth incentives and the car purchasing subsidy for large families duty free, because it wouldn’t like the related administration to be complicated or require many supplemental costs”, the Ministry of Human Capacities’ State Secretary for Family and Youth Affairs Katalin Novák said on Hungarian M1 television on Wednesday.

Ms. Novák pointed out that applying for the childbirth incentives require at least three years of social security status, certification of which may be requested at any government or district office. The issuing of the certificate takes a maximum of eight days.

With relation to the expansion of the nursery school system, the State Secretary said local governments, non-governmental and church organisations will be able to apply for funding out of a total budget of 95 billion forints (EUR 294 million) from 1 July to establish traditional, mini or family daycare centres. “A survey was recently performed with relation to how many new nursery school places are required at various points around the country, and the result is that 20 thousand new places must be created to enable everyone who would like to place their infant under the age of three in daycare to be able to do so”, Ms. Novák added.

Speaking on Kossuth Radio’s “Good Morning, Hungary!” show, the State Secretary said the car purchasing subsidy for large families may be applied for via the state treasury or at any “government window”, and if applying via the treasury all administration may be performed electronically.

Ms. Novák also spoke about the Village Home Creation Scheme (Village CSOK), which was also launched on Monday. With relation to the details, she said the scheme is available in 2500 rural settlements towards the purchase and refurbishment of used properties with a similar level of funding than the already existing Home Creation Scheme for new properties. “Applicants can spend half of the non-returnable funding towards purchasing a property and half towards refurbishing it, but a lower level of funding may also be requested for the refurbishing of an already owned property”, the State Secretary added.