“The state of Baden-Württemberg will continue to provide annual funding of 500 thousand euros to Andrássy University in future”, Baden-Württemberg’s Minister of Justice and European Affairs Guido Wolf announced in Budapest on Tuesday following a meeting with Hungary’s Minister of Human Capacities.

Mr. Wolf recalled that Baden-Württemberg was one of the founders of German language Andrássy University Budapest, and would like to remain part of the founding community together with Austria and Bavaria.

He told reporters that the topics of discussion at the meeting included possible ways to further develop teaching at the University to enable closer links between German industry and European industrial development.

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“The main topics that cropped up at the meeting, which was conducted in an atmosphere of trust, were ones that link Baden-Württemberg and Hungary, but we also discussed topics in which our opinions differ, such as the refugee issue and the ruling by the European Court of Justice in the quota case”, the Minister told the press.

“Baden-Württemberg views Europe as a large legal community, and regards it as extremely important that member states should take into consideration the rule of law”, he declared.

In closing, Mr. Wolf said the parties would like relations between Hungary and the state to remain close, and accordingly he has invited Minister of Human Capacities Zoltán Balog to make an official visit to Baden-Württemberg.

Mr. Balog told reporters that the meeting was preceded by two years of preparation, and confirmed that the parties were able to discuss their differences seriously and candidly, and that the Government remains open to cooperation and to answering all questions that may arise with relation to illegal immigration.

“However, Hungary is saying a clear no to migration that threatens Europe and Hungary”, the Minister added.

DownloadPhoto: Gyula Bartos

Mr. Balog also mentioned that Hungary would also like to increase the performance of Andrássy University and to place it at the centre of German-Hungarian relations as the only German university operating in a non-German speaking country.

In addition, we will also be working to ensure that the institutions can operate as a research & development centre to facilitate economic and diplomatic cooperation between the European Union and the Balkans and Southeast Europe, he added.