Steps taken by the government have helped families reduce the costs of starting the new academic year, Minister of State for Family Affairs and Youth Katalin Novák said at a press conference on Monday. She said 730,000 pupils receive textbooks at no cost for their families.

The Minister of State said the widening the scope of tax relief for families, cheaper textbooks, meal subsidies and the most recent reduction of utility costs have made it easier for families to begin the new academic year, which normally incurs heavy financial burden. She added that the tax relief for families also covers benefits this year, hence lower income families can also qualify. All of that means savings of HUF 16,500 for each family or HUF 2,000 more than last year.

DownloadPhoto: Ministry of Human CapacitiesKatalin Novák said the government is phasing in free textbooks starting with first and second graders this year. Moreover families with many children and those in need will also receive free textbooks. Families not yet entitled to free textbooks also pay 20 percent less than a year ago, the Minister of State added.

She also said one out of three pupils is entitled to free meals, and all in all one out of two schoolchildren can buy meals at a discount. The Minister of State also mentioned that the decree on public catering is to take effect on January 1, 2015 to ensure that schoolchildren are served healthier meals.

Katalin Novák also referred to the latest round of utility price reductions as a government measure that renders starting the new academic year less cumbersome. On average families’ pay 25 percent less for utilities now than a year ago, and added that the launch of the career path model for teachers may also bring improvements for schoolchildren and their families.

(Ministry of Human Capacities)