One of the aims of the current public education curriculum is to raise awareness about human rights, Minister ofHuman Capacities Zoltán Balog said at a conference organised on the occasion of Human Rights World Day.

In his address, the Minister noted that domestic violence became a separate category of offence in the Penal Code during the Orbán-government and it was also under the same administration that the houses of those who were targets of violence against the Roma community were restored and family members of the victims have so far been supported with an amount of HUF 70 million (EUR 228,000).

He also said that the current National Core Curriculum puts more emphasis on ethics and freedoms to ensure that future generations will be more sensitive to human rights issues.

The conference is organized annually by the Civic Hungary Foundation and the Hanns Seidel Foundation on Human Rights World Day.

(Ministry of Human Capacities)