Minister of State for Healthcare Gábor Zombor inaugurated a dentistry centre for disabled children in the south Hungarian city of Szeged on Wednesday; the centre is located within the University of Szeged Faculty Of Dentistry.

“The aim is to enable not only tooth extraction and acute treatment, but also to provide conservative interventions and even implants” – Mr. Zombor said at the ceremony, adding that the Government’s goal was to make such treatments available to the severely disabled and people with special needs throughout the country.

He said that five such centres were already operating and a sixth is being established at the Bethesda Children’s Hospital in Budapest, the Government is providing 300 million forints (EUR 1 million) in funding for the programme.

Katalin Nagy, Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry at the University of Szeged, said that the Government had contributed 40 million forints (EUR 128,000) towards the creation of the new centre, which was complemented by a further 18 million from the University’s own budget.

(Ministry of Human Capacities)