Minister of State for Parliamentary Affairs of the Ministry of Human Capacities Bence Rétvári called the initiative of everyday physical education a Hungaricum at an international conference on the quality of physical education on Wednesday in Budapest.

The Minister of State highlighted the importance of physical education, saying that sports are just as important as education, culture or healthcare.

He said the progressive introduction of everyday PE activities in public education means an additional need for sports halls and swimming pools and for this reason the Government has launched an infrastructure development programme with a budget of several billion forints annually.

He said the University for Physical Education has become an independent institution as of 1 September 2014, ensuring the highest level of training.

Among the Government’s other initiatives towards improving public health, he mentioned measures against smoking and the introduction of the tax on unhealthy food.

Agata Dziarnowska, Director in charge of Sports at the Directorate-General for Education and Culture in the European Commission said she welcomed the Hungarian initiative for everyday physical education at schools.

Gábor Balogh, President of the Hungarian Student Sports Association said seven thousand teachers will be updated on new methods and the kits for the new National Student Fitness Tests have already been delivered to all schools.

(Ministry of Human Capacities)