“Everyone must abide by Hungarian law”, the Minister of State for Education stressed in Budapest on Thursday at a press conference on the Bill on amending the Act on Higher Education and other topics.

In reply to a question from the press, László Palkovics said with relation to his meeting with the Rector of the Central European University (CEU) yesterday that “We are now aware of their arguments, based on which there is no need to withdraw the Bill”, adding that he thought the conditions included in the new legislation could be met.

“The Bill represents no risk to the CEU”, he said, confirming his previously declared standpoint, adding that no other university had complained about the proposed amendment and everyone in Hungary, including institutions of higher education, must abide by Hungary’s laws.

“We are talking about two universities: The CEU is a foreign university registered in America and accredited there, but it doesn’t operate there, it only holds courses in Hungary. The Közép-európai Egyetem (KEE) is a private institution funded by a foundation and is registered here in Hungary; however, the two institutions share the same official premises.

“If the CEU fails to meet the conditions, despite the best intentions, the other university can still continue to operate, meaning the interests of lecturers and students will not be harmed”, Mr. Palkovics said. “The question is whether students will receive both American and Hungarian diplomas for courses that are held in Hungary”, he added, noting that he “understood the business part of things” and that courses are naturally more attractive if they offer two graduation certificates.

According to the Minister of State for Education, no diplomatic complications are expected with relation to the Bill. He also indicated that on Friday morning he will be holding talks with the President of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, as well as discussing the proposed legislative amendment with the National Conference of Student Self-governments (HÖOK) and the Hungarian Rectors’ Conference.