Katalin Novák received a petition acknowledging the success of the Hungarian government at the 59th meeting of the UN Commission on the Status of Women.

Civilians have recently started a petition of appreciation for Hungary’s support of family values, which had been signed by more than 22, 000  people and was presented to the Minister of State for Family and Youth Affairs Katalin Novák and the Ambassador of Hungary to the UN in New York Katalin Bogyay on Tuesday in New York.

Hungary organized a separate by-event to present the country’s 100-year-old health visitor system. Katalin Novák was delighted to have been able to introduce the Hungarian health visitor network at such a high level meeting that is of huge assistance for families, especially for women.

Katalin Novák pointed out that it is of top priority to create balance between men and women within the family and at work. The Minister of State added that she could inform the members of the Ministerial Roundtable of the employment policy measures of the Hungarian government, which contribute to the improvement of the status of women, finding the right balance between family and work as well as fostering social equality between man and women.

The aim of the 59th meeting of the UN's Commission on the Status of Women is to review whether there has been any improvement regarding the issue of equality between men and women and how the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action approved 20 years ago have been implemented.

8600 participants attend the event where UN member states are represented by vice-predidents, deputy prime ministers, and almost 90 ministers.

(Ministry of Human Capacities)