Hungarian Deputy State Secretary for EU and International Affairs of the Ministry of Human Capacities met U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of State in the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor Thomas O. Melia in Budapest on Monday.

Mr Prőhle emphasised that Hungary remains open to all discussions that could further the cause of social inclusion in Hungary. He added that the arrival of U.S. Ambassador to Budapest Colleen Bell marked a new stage in Hungarian-U.S. relations, as evidenced by the social security agreement signed by Minister Zoltán Balog and Ambassador Bell. He also stressed that Hungary is open to the experience of other countries gained in the field of social inclusion. 

He told Mr Melia that during its EU Presidency in 2011, Hungary initiated the European Roma strategy. He also underlined that the country’s commitment towards Roma integration has remained unchanged, and said that it is still important to look for best practices of the field, while taking local characteristics into consideration.

(Ministry of Human Capacities)