Hungary and Ukraine have renewed their bilateral cultural cooperation agreement, Ukrainian Deputy Minister for Culture Oleksandr Zhuravchak and Hungarian Minister of State for Culture Péter Hoppál announced at a press conference following their meeting on Friday in the town of Szarvas, northern Hungary.

After the meeting, Mr. Hoppál said the two countries had signed their first cooperation agreement within the fields of culture, education and science in 1995 and it was time to work out an agenda for the next three years. Hoppál also said this was part of Hungary’s opening towards the East policy, in which, besides economic ties, culture was the best means of improving friendship.

“Ukraine is our largest neighbour in the east and its stability is of vital interest for Hungary”, Mr. Hoppál said, adding that Hungary was very interested in the political resolution of the conflict in Eastern Ukraine.
Mr. Zhuravchak said it was time to renew the agreement, adding that the Ukrainian people could best be understood through their culture. Among the two countries’ cultural ties, he highlighted the professional friendships forged by the cooperation of theatres and festival organisers.

(Ministry of Human Capacities)