Ministers of the Member States of the European Union recognised the results achieved by the Hungarian Government in the expansion of employment in the document approved at the meeting of the Employment, Social Affairs, Health and Consumer Affairs Council (EPSCO) held on Thursday in Luxembourg, Katalin Novák, State Secretary for Family and Youth Affairs of the Ministry of Human Resources told MTI, the Hungarian News Agency.

According to the information provided by the State Secretary, the European Commission presented at the meeting the document which contains its latest so-called country-specific recommendations to the Member States. As Katalin Novák stated, in the document the Commission recognised the work completed by the Hungarian Government in the last year on a number of points. She highlighted that unemployment has significantly decreased recently, the country’s economic indicators are positive, and the deficit of the budget will remain at a sustainably low level.

Mrs Novák stressed in this context that the Hungarian Government would like to reach the EU employment level within the shortest possible time, and to eventually achieve full employment.

At the same time, there were also some issues of dispute at the meeting. The European Commission primarily criticised the public works programme, questioning whether it is indeed a long-term solution which helps re-integration into the labour market.

The State Secretary said that the Government does not wish to back down on this issue as, in Mrs Novák’s opinion, the public works scheme has proved to be a very successful means which has helped a great deal even in disadvantaged localities where the competitive private sector is not present. “As long as the need exists, we insist on maintaining the public works programme as a means of employment”, she stated.

At the meeting, the agenda of which primarily featured topics related to employment and equal opportunities, the attendees also discussed the question of a common EU strategy regarding gender equality. Katalin Novák pointed out that a good family policy contributes to the better advancement of women, and she also stated that the percentage of employment among women in Hungary is at a historical peak. The State Secretary said that it is a problem in many places that there are significant differences between the pensions of men and women; however, Hungary is at the forefront of Europe in this respect.

(Ministry of Human Capacities/MTI)