In celebration of the International Roma Day, 8 April, Hungary organizes the Gypsy Wheel – Roma Values Festival. Aim of the Festival is to bring together various ethnic groups through mutual cultural understanding.

This year’s festival will be held at Magyarság Háza in the Buda Castle and is dedicated to offering a glimpse into the everyday lives of the Roma, while bringing different ethnic groups closer to one another through culture. The programmes allow visitors to get acquainted with the uniqueness and diversity of the Roma culture in Hungary.

The Festival features the Romengo Gypsy band, poetry performer Márk Székely, opera singer András Farkas, the Csángálló band featuring dancer Károly Balogh, actor Oszkár Nyári, Zoltán Kiss from the TV show “Virtuózok”, Romano Glaszo, the traditional group of the Ghandi high school, and the Mohács Roma Varázs Tambura band. During the Festival, visitors will have the opportunity to see the exhibited statues and paintings of young contemporary artists, Jenő André Raatzsch, András Kállai and Henrik Kállai.

The State Secretariat for Social Affairs and Inclusion of the Ministry for Human Capacities attaches great importance to activities aimed at preserving and nurturing the culture, traditional values and language of the Roma community. Therefore, the State Secretariat seeks to support the establishment of as many cultural forums along these lines as possible. In addition to the by now traditional Gypsy Wheel Festival, the Ministry announces annual calls for tenders to support other Roma cultural events.

(Ministry of Human Capacities)