Hungary will spend HUF 905.8 billion (EUR 2.96 billion) on combating poverty in the next seven years after last Tuesday the European Union approved the Human Resource Development Operational Programme (HRDOP), Minister of Human Capacities Zoltán Balog said on Monday at a press conference.

Mr Balog said that EU funding is one of the main resources Hungary can use to achieve its social policy goals, adding that the money will be spent on social inclusion, education and healthcare. He said that the aim of the anti-poverty strategy is to increase opportunities, strenghten the capacities of families, create social solidarity and build communities.

He added that HUF 565 billion will be spent on strengthening the middle class, the role of families, reducing school dropout rates and facilitating access to quality education.

By 2020, HUF 250 billion will be allocated for reducing regional imbalances, eradicating child poverty, Roma inclusion and combating processes that hinder development. The programme’s resource framework is divided into social groups, according to which the wealthiest will not receive anything, the middle class will get HUF 270 billion, the lower middle class HUF 540 billion and those in permanent deprivation HUF 95 billion.

Also, one of the socio-political aims of the operational programme is to increase the chances of youth employment through education and thus increasing their chances to achieve social progress. Among others, it also aims at strengthening families and thus contributing to their willingness to have children, and consolidating and then improving the social status of those in need as well.

(Ministry of Human Capacities)