“Migration poses a threat to both healthcare and education, in addition to shaking the foundations of the welfare state,” Parliamentary State Secretary Bence Rétvári from the Ministry of Human Resources said on Wednesday on Kossuth Radio’s “Good morning, Hungary!” show.

Bence Rétvári said Bavaria spends more on migration-related expenditure than on healthcare, economic development and environmental protection combined. “For example, until 2022 Germany has earmarked 21 billion euros for social expenses and 5.2 billion for registration and housing, which means they are spending 17 billion forints (EUR 54 million) on immigration every single day,” he expounded.

He explained that by 2040, every second student in Austria will be from an immigrant background. “This degree of immigration will shatter the education system; German education, for example, has dropped from fifth place to fourteenth place in just twenty years,” he added.

He also discussed how, according to data from the World Health Organization (WHO), the number of measles infections has tripled in Europe since 2015. The five most infected countries include France and Italy.

The Robert Koch Institute’s data shows that in German, the number of Hepatitis B and measles infections has risen by 300 percent, while that of malaria, syphilis, and tuberculosis infections has doubled.

Speaking on Hungarian M1 television’s Wednesday morning current affairs program, the State Secretary spoke about how the Hungarian Government favors family policy, which has positively influenced people’s desire to start a family and get married.

According to Mr. Rétvári, family policy solutions would also work elsewhere, but there are countries where the situation has become practically irreversible.