A new programme to help those most in need is being launched with the support of the European Union. Families with children under the age of three, the homeless and senior citizens with low pensions will be provided with food packages and free advice to help them escape poverty.

At a press conference held on Tuesday, Parliamentary State Secretary Bence Rétvári from the Ministry of Human Resources announced that the social consultations concerning the Operative Programme to Support People in Need had been concluded on 30 June, and the new programme is expected to become available early next year.

During the social consultations, fifty organisations and local governments shared their opinions and put forward their recommendations, the majority of which have been included in the Programme, Mr. Rétvári said, adding that it was very important that the operative programme was finalised with the inclusion of social organisations that had already played a significant role in aiding the disadvantaged and had acquired considerable experience in the field.

DownloadPhoto: Noémi Bruzák

The Parliamentary State Secretary announced that the programme will be co-financed by the EU (85%) and the Hungarian state (15%), and that those in need would receive contributions in kind, e.g. foodstuffs and basic consumer products.

Minister of State for Social Affairs and Inclusion Károly Czibere informed those present that a special target group of the Programme were young children under the age of 3 living in poor families, but that the Government would like to extend the programme to include all children who grow up in deprived families, as according to surveys as many as 9-10% of children under the age of 18 do not have regular access to food. 

The Programme also aims to provide aid to the homeless and to senior citizens living below the poverty line.

The Minister of State explained that the Programme budget is HUF 29.1 billion (EUR 94 million), and the Government will be relying on organisations with vast experience in the field with regard to assessing people’s level of need and in providing aid in the most efficient way, to help with the distribution of food and other items.

Apart from food packages, those in need will also receive free advice and counselling “to help break the vicious circle of misery”.

(Ministry of Human Resources)