The foundation stone of a rehabilitation centre for the blind was laid on Friday in the Northwest Hungarian city of Tata; the institution that will operate as the local branch and education centre of the State Institute for the Blind from September 2015.

Minister of State for Social Affairs and Inclusion Károly Czibere from the Ministry of Human Capacities said at the ceremony that the 1.5 billion forint (EUR 4.8 million) investment will enable the blind to lead fuller lives and compensate their disabilities through education, in addition to creating job opportunities for them.

DownloadPhoto: Noémi Bruzák

Director of the State Institute for the Blind Irén Berta Szabóné said the rehabilitation centre will allow for the treatment of 45 people and provide training for 132 specialists at a time. The building itself will have an area of 2,600 square metres and will be complemented by an 8,000 square metre special therapy garden.

Minister of State for Church, Minority and Non-governmental Relations Miklós Soltész said Tata was chosen because of its suburban environment, the town’s receptive approach to the project and its excellent transport. The centre will be built on state property and eight of the 36 suites, which will all include their own private bathroom, will also be accessible by wheelchair.

The building will also house five lecture halls and seminar rooms for training professionals who treat and help blind people and various courses for the blind themselves. The institution means 35 new jobs for the city.

(Ministry of Human Capacities)