NGOs will receive a total HUF 5 billion (EUR 16.4 million) this year from the state budget’s National Cooperation Fund, a two billion forints increase compared to 2014, Minister of State Miklós Soltész announced on Wednesday.

Mr Soltész said that last year about 4,000-4,500 NGOs won state support at various tenders and added that the 50 percent increase in subsidies will also mean that the number of supported NGOs will rise proportionally, which will provide a great opportunity for them.

DownloadPhoto: Gergely Botár

The increase also means that the Ministry of Human Capacities will not have to impose a previously expected restriction according to which NGOs which won state funding in the past three years may not re-apply.

Mr Soltész said that the Ministry wishes to contribute both to operational expenses and specific projects. Among the latter, priority will be given to community-building, family support and helping Hungarians in neighbouring countries.

He also pointed out that in light of the increased funding, the hysteria generated by a few dozen NGOs in the past months and years should die down, as the rise clearly demonstrates that the government regards NGOs as important partners.

Tenders are available on the websites and and will be evaluated by five professional committees of nine persons each.

(Ministry of Human Capacities)