The National Public Health Centre appointed Szent László Hospital, Budapest to isolate patients, if any.
Minister of Human Capacities Miklós Kásler emphasised that the disease has so far only appeared sporadically in Europe. Based on currently available information three and one confirmed cases have been identified in France and in Germany, respectively, Austria and Romania reported one non-confirmed case, each and in Hungary there were two suspected cases but in each of them this disease was excluded.
Miklós Kásler said that what we know of the Chinese coronavirus is that the new virus strain that appeared in last November spread from animals to humans but people can also infect each other.
The Minister pointed out that the Hungarian epidemiological system has extraordinary traditions and has proven its effectiveness and readiness on numerous occasions.
Chief Medical Officer Cecília Müller emphasized that currently there are no patients infected by the new coronavirus in Hungary, but its introduction into the country cannot be excluded. The National Public Health Centres, as well as the employees of local bodies, government offices and district offices are ready for the rapid identification of the new virus.
She said that a procedure was established as determined by the World Health Organization (WHO). According to this, if a suspected, a likely or a confirmed case is identified, a so-called monitoring system will be in place. Through this, information will be collected for taking actions that may become necessary. She informed that suspected are cases that are not yet inspected but infection is suspected, in other words the symptoms of the disease, such as fever, faintness and dry cough, can be detected.
Travelling restrictions have not been imposed in Hungary yet, but recommendations are made: regular and frequent hand washing, keeping the ethical rules of coughing and sneezing are important. When travelling it is worth considering using also a face mask, the Chief Medical Officer said.
About packages and food coming from China, she said: these are not considered a threat but hands must be washed right after opening such a package and the rules on handling food (washing, cooking) must be complied with.
She also indicated that Hungary is in the middle of the flu season as is China, therefore flu vaccination is still recommended.
There is no vaccination against coronavirus yet, but lots of researches are being made, she said.
János Szlávik, Head of Department at the Central Hospital of Southern Pest National Institute of Hematology and Infectious Diseases said: the mortality rate of this coronavirus – compared to the previous ones – is much lower, one or two percent. Deaths occur among such senior citizens who had several other diseases too. In addition to them the relatives and the healthcare personnel are the most exposed. This disease is not typical among children, he emphasised.
He also indicated that this virus “does not really” spread from human to human, its extent is nowhere near that of the flu.
As the incubation period of this disease is maximum 14 days, the chief of medicine recommends to those arriving from an epidemic area (central Chinese provinces) within the past fourteen days and experiencing the symptoms of pneumonia to visit a physician.
On Monday, the World Health Organization (WHO) modified the international risk posed by the new coronavirus accompanied by pneumonia from moderate to high.
By Tuesday, the nCov-2019 virus has killed more than a hundred people in China and infected thousands of people in many countries all over the world.