We would be required to face the expenditure of the building of hospitals in the health care system in the magnitude of a hundred billion forints, but by virtue of the family reunification plans the quota regime would impose an enormous burden on the family and social systems as well, Bence Rétvári, Parliamentary State Secretary at the Ministry of Human Capacities told the newspaper Magyar Hírlap.

In the interview published in the Friday edition of the news paper, he said: the illusion that migrants offer a fresh supply of qualified work force appears to be vanishing in Western-Europe. He added: after four to five years the vast majority of immigrants continue to remain unemployed, while major social problems are emerging, such as that public security is perceivably deteriorating.

He said that, in accordance with the Soros plan, the EU is now seeking to put into place a permanent resettlement mechanism, with a separate agency and annual quotas.

“If this were implemented, it would impose an extreme burden on the domestic care systems. (…) And meanwhile, as the immigrants have no legal jobs, they do not take part in the sharing of the public burdens. The Government will, however, never consent to Hungary being turned into an immigrant country”, he said.

Regarding the support provided for persecuted Christians, he said: “With the Hungary Helps programme, Hungary opted for a smart form of assistance which means that we provide help locally”. He took the view that the grants provided for immigrants may amount to four to five times more if provided locally, compared with grants provided in Europe.

He underlined: as the state apparatus is doing poorly in the countries concerned, they cooperate with church organisations. They have provided assistance with the construction of schools, the supply of medicines for hospitals and the reconstruction of an entire locality in Iraq, while in Lebanon and Jordan they have made contributions to humanitarian and job creation programmes.

Mr Rétvári further said that they will also extend the programme to Africa as expected. Nigerian Bishop Oliver Dasche has recently paid a visit to Hungary, and he rendered an account of the devastation caused by the terrorist organisation Boko Haram. „Together with the Foreign Ministry, in cooperation with the Pázmány Péter Catholic University, we are preparing to rebuild church buildings in Lebanon from an allocation worth some half a billion forints. It is important that we channel the grants directly to the local communities themselves, rather than to large international organisations”, he added.