Social workers will receive more substantial wage increases next year than the one given this October, Minister of State for Social Affairs and Inclusion Károly Czibere said on Wednesday at a press conference held in a Budapest family shelter.

Conveying Minister Zoltán Balog’s message, he said the government is committed to provide adequate conditions for social workers, which will include a 5 to 11 percent wage increase from next January for 73,000 professionals and 20,000 support personnel.

He said that just like this year, social workers will receive next year a 12 billion forints (EUR 39 million) wage complement while next July – after the completion of the blueprint for sustainable social services – employees can expect another wage increase.

DownloadPhoto: Gergely Botár

He said government regards social workers’ skill and dedication as an important resource and has already taken steps towards improving their working conditions. He reminded that over the past few years homes for the elderly with a total 3,300 persons capacity have been refurbished and the government intends to continue this with budget allocations and European Union funds.

(Ministry of Human Capacities)