“The ambulance service and emergency care institutions did an excellent job”, Minister of Human Capacities Miklós Kásler said on Thursday morning after visiting people injured in the Danube ship accident being cared for at Uzsoki Hospital in Budapest.

At a press conference held in front of the hospital, the Minister told reporters: “Ambulances immediately brought the injured to the Uzsoki, Honvéd and Szent Imre hospitals, where the emergency wards received them at once and provided them with suitable care”.

“Seven of the injured have already been discharged from hospital, and the condition of the remaining three is satisfactory”, he added.

At least seven people died on Wednesday evening when two ships collided on the Danube near Margaret bridge, and one of the vessels sank. Seven people were lightly injured in the accident, and were taken to hospital with signs of exposure. There were 33 South Korean tourists and a crew of two aboard the vessel that sank.

The Hableány (Mermaid) tourist ship is assumed to have collided with a large luxury cruiser in the pouring rain, pushing the smaller boat underwater. The tourist ship sank quickly, and the wreck was found on the bed of the river close to one of the pillars of Margaret Bridge.