“The decline in Europe’s population should not be solved through migration, but through family policy”, the Ministry of Human Capacities’ Minister of State for Family and Youth Affairs Katalin Novák stated in an interview published in Italian daily Veritá on Monday.

Ms. Novák said the growth of Europe’s population is currently exclusively dependent on migration.

“In opposition to this, Hungary has put forward its family policy recipe, according to which the demographic crisis can also be stopped using exclusively internal resources”, she said, stressing that Europe’s survival and the preservation of the cultural integrity of its nations is dependent on family policy.

The Catholic daily, which was established in 2016, reported on the Hungarian Government’s family policy, stressing that Katalin Novák will also be attending the World Congress of Families, which will be held in the city of Verona in March.

In reply to a question concerning what she thinks about criticism claiming that the Hungarian Government is undemocratic, Ms. Novák declared that such accusations, which are being spread by the Western media and certain non-governmental organisations because “they are incapable of respecting the decision of the Hungarian people” for voting in support of the Orbán government, are senseless.