On Monday in Röszke Minister of State for Church, Nationality and Civil relations Miklós Soltész announced that the Government of Hungary provides special support to the five member organisations of the Charity Council operating at the southern border of Hungary and at refugee centres across the country.

Mr. Soltész – who is also President of the Charity Council – said that Government is supporting the Hungarian Charity Service of the Order of Malta, Caritas Hungarica, Hungarian Reformed Church Aid, the Hungarian Red Cross and Hungarian Interchurch Aid with HUF 50 million each, so that they can continue the work they started earlier: providing care for migrants arriving at Hungary’s borders – primarily families, children, elderly and sick people.

These organisations help those truly in need along the border and on the territory of neighbouring countries, as well as in Bicske and Fót, Mr. Soltész explained. He said that while the border regions are much quieter than last year, the volume of migrants has not diminished. This year the number of illegal border crossings has reached 15,000.

Executive Director of the Hungarian Charity Service of the Order of Malta Lajos Győri-Dani said that their organisation is primarily involved in offering medical support two days a week to refugees waiting for the processing of their asylum requests in the transit zones in Röszke and Tompa. He said that the majority of the refugees arriving at the Hungarian border after many months of travel have some kind of medical condition, such as colds, infections and minor injuries of the extremities. Families with small children are also being given baby food and diapers, he said.

(Ministry of Human Capacities)