The Ministry of Human Capacities explicitly rejects the false allegations which appeared on the website. Unfortunately, this is not the first time when the website (and its printed counterpart) purposely leveled misleading accusations against the Ministry and its officials.

The Ministry has made it clear several times recently, and if necessary, will do so time and again: the Ministry rejects and condemns unlawful segregation, which is banned both by the Fundamental Law and other national laws. The incriminated amendment, and the government decree under preparation by its authorization, does not change the regulatory framework in force and the level of protection of fundamental rights, does not lighten measures prohibiting segregation and does not expand the reasons for removal related to this area. On the contrary, the lawmaker’s objective with this amendment is to support the implementation of the Act on Equal Treatment by introducing more detailed regulations for removal in the government decree, thus offering a better guarantee compared to the reasons of removal as enshrined in the Act. As we have emphasized before: the drafting of the government decree will be preceded by a comprehensive professional discussion, while the main platform for the fight against segregation continues to be the Antisegregation Roundtable established by Zoltán Balog.

The Ministry of Human Capacities shall take the necessary legal steps regarding the article.

(Ministry of Human Capacities)