Dialogue between the state, cultural institutions and professional organisations is of key importance, Minister of State for Culture Péter Hoppál said at a press conference in Veszprém on Friday, marking the opening of the 2014-2015 theatre season.

Mr. Hoppál said that 49 of Hungary’s theatres are supported by the state through mandatory grants while another 116 cultural institutions receive state support through tenders, providing jobs for 5,000 people. He said the Ministry wanted to broaden the social base of culture consumers, because culture makes for a better quality of life.

If people could be persuaded to enter the world of arts, many current problems would not exist at all, he said, adding that a recent conference in Veszprém preceding the season opening proved that the actors and actresses, together with the Hungarian Academy of Arts, are the initiators of many decisions influencing their lives in legislation, employment law and financing.

Among the issues to be solved, the Minister of State mentioned the need to revise the support system of the performing arts, the amendment of the performing arts act and that wages in the theatrical sphere must be brought in line with those in the public sector.

Mayor of Veszprém Gyula Porga said that the local theatre was established 100 years ago from public donations and has since proven irreplaceable in local cultural life.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade)