Deputy Minister of Human Capacities Bence Rétvári met with the Vatican’s Secretary for Relations with States, Archbishop Paul Richard Gallagher in Rome today. Mr. Rétvári put forward a detailed report on the Hungary Helps programme and other Hungarian activities performed in the interests of assisting persecuted Christians.

The point of the Hungary Helps programme is that support for persecuted Christians must be provided on site, because there, the same amount of money can provide more effective help to many more people. Hungary professes that assistance should be taken to where it is needed, instead of bringing the trouble here.

Particular attention was devoted to settlement reconstruction in Iraq and on humanitarian aid in Jordan and Lebanon. The Archbishop was especially appreciative of the fact that the Hungarian Government had invited the leaders of Christians living in persecuted areas to personally visit Hungary, as well as visiting them on site, to help open the eyes of the European people to what is actually happening and to harmonise aid with local requirements.

Mr. Rétvári said Hungary is going beyond its means to provide assistance for education, housing, healthcare and other humanitarian needs, in addition to providing hundreds of university scholarships.

Secretary Gallagher said the Hungary Helps programme was praiseworthy and also a good example to other countries because it reinstills hope in people who have been forced to leave their homes, that they can begin rebuilding their futures once they return home.

Mr. Rétvári invited Archbishop Gallagher to attend the international consultation on assisting persecuted Christians in October in Budapest.

(Ministry of Human Capacities)