“The Polish Interior Ministry’s State Secretary, Krzysztof Kozłowski has a positive view with regard to the Stop Soros package and Poland is working on a similar bill”, Minister of State Miklós Soltész told Hungarian news agency MTI on Thursday during a working visit to Warsaw.

The Ministry of Human Capacities’ Minister of State for Church, Nationality and Civil Society Relations reported on the fact that on Thursday morning he had met President of the permanent council of ministers Jacek Sasin, and the Ministry of Interior’s State Secretary Krzysztof Kozłowski in the Polish capital.

Mr. Kozłowski enquired about the details of the Stop Soros legislative package, calling it “absolutely positive and understandable”, said the Minister of State, who agreed with his Polish colleague with relation to the fact that a few dozen organisations maintained by George Soros “cannot be allowed to forcibly change a country’s life from outside”.

According to Mr. Soltész, Poland is working on a similar bill, which could be put before Polish parliament, the Sejm, this spring. According to the legislative proposal, the legal conditions “for all those who use funding against the country and want to perform activities that do not benefit citizens” would be made stricter, Mr. Soltész said, adding “just as Hungary has done so far and will continue to do in future”.

The Polish party is also extremely supportive of the establishment of the Visegrád Group’s donation helpline, which was initiated by Hungary, and with regard to which the Czech and Polish authorities have also made positive statements previously. In an emergency, it will be possible to provide help to people who find themselves in difficulties in any of the member states via the joint donation helpline.

The donation helpline “would also link the societies of the Visegrád Group (V4) countries at the level of people’s good will, not just at a political and economic level”, Mr. Soltész said, adding that the final announcement with relation to the initiative will occur at the upcoming summit of V4 heads of government. “The drawing up of the detailed plan for the helpline will of course occur in the period following the political decision”, he noted.

The Minister of State also reported on plans to symbolically make the number of the helpline 1335, the historic year of the Congress of Visegrád, at which the kings of the four countries met to form an anti-Hapsburg alliance.

Mr. Soltész also referred to his meeting on Thursday morning at which he presented Deputy Speaker of Polish parliament’s lower house, Beata Mazurek with a copy of the resolution recently passed by Hungary’s National Assembly in solidarity with Poland. In addition to Beata Mazurek, Jacek Sasin and Krzysztof Kozłowski also thanked Hungary for its support, he said.

During his meeting with Jacek Sasin and Krzysztof Kozłowski, the parties determined that the positions of Poland and Hungary with relation to illegal migration are totally identical. Both countries are providing on-site assistance in the Middle East, but do not want to open up their societies and give up their independence. The similarity of opinions also covers the fact that people in need must be given assistance and solidarity must work, the Hungarian politician stressed.

The parties also agreed that the European Union “does indeed have a future if it is an alliance of strong and free states, and not a confederate Europe as dictated by Brussels”, Mr. Soltész underlined.

(Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister/MTI)