The Ministry of Human Capacities and the World Health Organization (WHO) have jointly assessed the challenges related to migration.

Responding to the invitation of the Ministry of Human Capacities, a WHO delegation has visited Hungary in order to jointly assess the situation with other stakeholders and to formulate its observations on the issue.

The massive influx of refugees and migrants pose a serious challenge to the healthcare systems of Hungary and other countries concerned. Currently, the Hungarian public health and epidemiological situation is stable, but the migration pressure requires a series of measures aimed at handling the situation in a comprehensive manner, taking into account societal, social and healthcare considerations.

In order to help European countries affected by the issue, the WHO European Regional Office organizes joint visits in cooperation with the respective countries’ health ministries to the countries concerned. Such visits have already taken place in Portugal, Spain, Malta, Italy, Greece, Cyprus, Bulgaria, Serbia and Albania.

During their Hungarian visit, WHO officials have met with decision-makers, experts, representatives of NGOs and partner organizations. They have gotten acquainted with the Hungarian situation with the help of presentations, short interviews. Furthermore, they have also visited refugee camps in Bicske and Kiskunhalas, the children’s home in Fót, the Baptist Aid’s family homes, as well as the transit zones in Röszke and Szeged.

At the end of the visit, preliminary conclusions have been made, identifying both areas of good practices and those that needed improvement. A detailed report will be jointly compiled by WHO and Hungarian experts.

(Ministry of Human Capacities)