On Thursday, Parliamentary State Secretary at the Ministry of Human Capacities Bence Rétvári told public television channel M1 that unaccompanied minors are being transported from the Fót children’s home to Western Europe by people smugglers in an organised manner.

Mr. Rétvári said that over the past one year, 3,500 young migrants arrived in Fót, who claimed to be minors, but none of them had supporting documents.
He said that besides Denmark, Hungary is the only other country that provides the same care to underage migrants as to Hungarian children, and it has become clear that more and more migrants are aware of this fact.

Mr. Rétvári pointed out that migrants at the Fót children’s home have access to Wi-Fi, with the help of which they can contact their parents upon their arrival, who then give people smugglers the necessary money for the rest of the trip to Western Europe. After this, most migrants disappear from the children’s home in Fót.

He added that brochures written in Urdu and published by civil organisations – possibly including aid organizations sponsored by George Soros – that give advice on how to get assigned to the Fót centre by claiming to be under 18 were found among the belongings of migrants.

On the same day, Mr. Rétvári told public broadcaster Kossuth Rádió that he had no information on regarding where the flyers were from. This was in reply to the anchor’s question suggesting that organizations sponsored by George Soros hand out leaflets to migrants, in which they urge them to declare themselves as minors in order to receive preferential treatment.

Mr. Rétvári added, however, that all signs point to them being well-instructed. The vast majority of the underage migrants are boys, who state to be just under 18 years of age.

(Ministry of Human Capacities)