Minister of Human Capacities Zoltán Balog and Minister of State for Family and Youth Affairs Katalin Novák held talks with Bavaria’s Minister of Labour and Social Affairs, Family and Integration Emilia Müller on Wednesday In Budapest.

At the meeting, the parties discussed the two countries’ family support measures and social benefit systems, as well as demographic issues and the challenges facing social inclusion. They agree that supporting families and facilitating social inclusion deserve a priority role in government policy.

DownloadPhoto: Gyula Bartos

The challenges relating to the refugee crisis were also discussed, and especially with relation to the fields of social services, education and integration. The parties share a common standpoint with relation to the fact that in addition to mutual understanding, the preservation of Christian culture and values is also of key importance.

The parties highlighted the exemplary roles played by the Andrássy Gyula German Language University of Budapest and the Hanns Seidel Foundation in effective cooperation between Bavaria and Hungary.

In addition, Emilia Müller invited the Hungarian Minister to visit Bavaria.