On Tuesday Minister of Human Capacities Zoltán Balog appointed Zoltán Ónodi-Szűcs Minister of State for Health Care. Before his appointment, Mr. Ónodi-Szűcs was the general director of the State Centre of Healthcare Supply.

At the press conference announcing his appointment, Mr. Ónodi Szűcs said that health care should serve the people, not the interests of the institutions themselves. “We would like the public to know that we are addressing their problems, and this seems to have been neglected somewhat”, Mr. Ónodi-Szűcs said, adding that Hungarian health care is of European standards.

DownloadZoltán Ónodi-Szűcs Photo: Károly Árvai

Outlining his agenda, he said that his priorities include increasing the competence of basic healthcare in order to raise the level of satisfaction, and he also wants to overhaul the incentive system in health care.
Answering a question, Mr. Ónodi-Szűcs said that there will probably not be a career blueprint for healthcare workers, but a collective agreement serving the same purpose is already being discussed.

He said that the issue of hospitals’ debts is being assessed, adding that he has told Prime Minister Viktor Orbán that any settlement should be according to the real needs of the healthcare system. “As long as I can draw the plans for this, finding the resources will not be a problem.”

DownloadThe previous Minister of State, Gábor Zombor, the new Minister of State, Zoltán Ónodi-Szűcs and the Minister of Human Capacities Zoltán Balog Photo: Károly Árvai

He also said that a planned “super hospital” for Budapest will probably be located on the Buda side, with 13 locations currently being considered. Minister Balog said that the departure of the previous Minister of State, Gábor Zombor, was for personal, not professional reasons. He also said that he had full confidence in Mr. Ónodi-Szűcs, whose appointment has already been signed by the Prime Minister, awaiting the counter-signature of the President.

(Ministry of Human Capacities)