The Ministry of Interior’s Parliamentary State Secretary Károly Kontrát pointed out that the aim of the Government’s immigration policy is to identify those people who are entitled to international protection as soon as possible, and for legislation to facilitate a more rapid deportation process for economic migrants headed to other EU member states.

Mr. Kontrát said that a modern-age mass migration has reached Europe and Hungary. In his view, joint efforts are required in this historic situation, and Hungary must go beyond daily political interests. Also, he reiterated that the proposed border closure will protect not just Hungary but also other EU member states.

Hungary must stand up firmly for its own interests since our situation is different from that of others: we are not a frontline country, yet we are in a more difficult situation than the others because “the Greeks are not catching economic migrants at their own borders”, he pointed out. Many economic migrants, who are trying to enter the EU illegally through Hungary, exploit this situation, he added.

A decision was made on the issue of immigration at the EU summit held last week, according to which Hungary – together with Bulgaria – will be treated as a special case. He recalled that the Government of Hungary represented the standpoint according to which the regulations and quotas concerning the distribution of migrants are not applicable to Hungary. He highlighted that we are one of the five out of 28 member states that have to bear the bulk of the burdens: Hungary receives the most migrants as a ratio of both its population and GDP.

The Parliamentary State Secretary pointed out that the number of illegal border-crossings and asylum seekers has increased dramatically. Only this year, 71,871 illegal border crossings have been registered, of which more than 71,200 took place across the Serbian border, he emphasised.
Mr. Kontrát added that the bill on migration limits the rights of those who have submitted asylum requests multiple times to stay in Hungary. He also mentioned that the investigation process relating to the identity of asylum-seekers will become shorter, cheaper, and simpler through merging the existing, two-phased procedure. He highlighted that asylum seekers may be detained until court proceedings have been completed. A new element of the legislation is that a possible national security risk rules out the recognition of refugee status.

The bill provides an opportunity for persons requesting refugee status and citizens of third countries, who reside at a location designated for them on the basis of the immigration authority’s decision, to be employed within the public work scheme. This practice could promote the integration of real migrants into society and enable residents of reception centres to contribute to the costs and expenses related to their stay.

Referring to the border closure, he said that in the future the state of Hungary will be entitled by right of public interest to use a 10-meter border zone along the country’s external Schengen borders for this purpose.

(Ministry of Interior)