Human trafficking is one of the gravest violations of human rights, in the prevention of which international cooperation plays a key role, Krisztina Berta, Deputy State Secretary for EU and International Affairs at the Ministry of Interior and National Anti-trafficking Coordinator, said at the press conference organised by the Ministry of Interior at the Sziget Festival on Thursday.

Krisztina Berta stressed: Hungary is not just a target and transit country, but is also a country of origin from the respect of human trafficking.

DownloadPhoto: János Marjai, MTI

Human trafficking is a horrible form of modern-day slavery which the United States, in cooperation with its partners, including Hungary, seeks to uproot, Colleen Bell, Ambassador of the United States to Budapest said.

The US Ambassador highlighted: due to the increase in the number of migrants and asylum-seekers, Hungary is compelled to face serious challenges, and this results in increased responsibility in the fight against human trafficking as well.

Gajus Scheltema, Ambassador of the Netherlands to Budapest called upon the Hungarian authorities in this context to provide support for people coming from war zones, and to ensure that those who do not arrive in Hungary out of their own free will should have “an appropriate place” to stay until they are registered and move on.

The diplomatic representatives of the Netherlands, Austria, Britain, Belgium and Switzerland – countries which qualify as the destinations of human trafficking originating from Hungary – stressed at the press conference that their national authorities cooperate with the Hungarian governmental agencies and non-governmental organisations in the interest of preventing and managing human trafficking and helping victims.

Colleen Bell specifically remarked that the fight against human trafficking is an especially important priority for her, given that she was formerly a member of organisations which help women and children who fell victim to human trafficking.

The Ambassador praised the Ministry of Interior for contributing to the prevention of human trafficking – among other measures – with  its activities which are aimed to draw attention to and prevent human trafficking in a tent set up on the premises of the Sziget Festival. At the same time, the Ambassador also drew attention to the fact that the Hungarian authorities should reinforce their cooperation with non-governmental organisations, victim support groups and journalists uncovering stories of human trafficking in the interest of the effective management of the problem.

(Ministry of Interior/MTI)