In the wake of the attacks carried out in European cities on 19 December 2016, the Counter-Terrorism Coordination Committee did not alter terror alert level 3 (medium) which is currently in force in the territory of Hungary.
In the Committee’s evaluation, no intelligence relating to the possible commission of acts of terrorism in Hungary has been gathered even at the level of references. The Hungarian secret services and law enforcement agencies continue to closely liaise with their foreign co-services.
The security of Hungary and its population is the utmost priority, and therefore Minister of Interior Sándor Pintér asked the national police commissioner to enhance police presence in the entire territory of the country, in particular, in the vicinity of shopping centres and Christmas markets. The National Police Headquarters will shortly release detailed information on the measures to be implemented.
Upon the Minister’s instruction, the law enforcement agencies consulted with the Budapest foreign representations of the countries affected by the attacks. The Counter Terrorism Centre will engage in patrolling activities in several prominent parts of the capital.
With regard to the general level of exposure, the authorities do not see the implementation of any further specific measures necessary at this point in time. At the same time, they are prepared for taking the required measures without delay in the event of the emergence of any information that may indicate a threat to the population’s security.
(Ministry of Interior)