The Government of Hungary is protecting the country’s borders, and expects the same from other EU Member States, with special emphasis on the importance of Schengen borders.

Hungarian authorities are complying with the requirements of national and EU legislation. In light of the large number of illegal immigrants, a new temporary reception centre where registrations can be conducted needs to be established, in addition to the collection point at Röszke.


Following earlier brief consultation with Mayor of Körmend István Bebes, it has been decided to establish a new temporary open reception centre in the building of the town’s Police Training Academy; this is in order to reduce the extraordinary migration pressure on Hungary.

The reception centre will only operate for as long as the situation calls for it to do so.

The Hungarian National Police will maintain public order and public security in Körmend and its surroundings.


We are grateful to Körmend’s local government and residents for their cooperation in this matter.

(Ministry of Defence)