In Budapest on Monday, Croatian and Hungarian interior ministers Vlaho Orepic and Sándor Pintér announced that three railway crossings between Croatia and Hungary – Murakeresztúr-Kotoriba (Kotor), Gyékényes-Koprivnica (Kapronca) and Magyarbóly-Beli Manastir (Pélmonostor) – will be reopened.

Both ministers said that reopening the railway crossings is a sign of improving relations between the two countries.

Mr. Orepic called the meeting a constructive one, opening a new chapter in interior affairs cooperation between the two countries, and thus simultaneously strengthening the security of Europe. He added that Croatia sees Hungary as a partner in handling the migration crisis.

Photo: Gergely Botár/

He also said that the Republic of Croatia is counting on Hungary’s support in its bid to join the Schengen Area, and on it sharing its experiences with Croatia in this regard.

Interior affairs cooperation might then involve such areas as tourism and landmine clearance, Mr. Orepic said.

DownloadPhoto: Gergely Botár/

Mr. Pintér said that there has been close cooperation between the two countries in the area of interior affairs; for instance, Hungarian police have patrolled Adriatic resorts and joint Hungarian-Croatian patrols have operated at the borders. He added that this cooperation has also extended to crime-fighting.

The migrant crisis interrupted this cooperation, but differences have been resolved through negotiation, and the reopening of the three railway crossings is also a testament to this.