The Hungarian government takes the view that the Advocate General’s opinion released on Thursday is irrelevant as transit zones are no longer operational, Justice Minister Judit Varga told the Hungarian news agency MTI on Thursday.

The Minister recalled that on Thursday Advocate General of the Court of Justice of the European Union Priit Pikamae had released his opinion in the infringement procedure instituted by the European Commission against Hungary in connection with the operation of transit zones created on the Hungarian-Serbian border for the purpose of the submission of asylum applications, and Hungarian asylum and aliens policing procedures.

In its judgment adopted in another case on 14 May, the court – contrary to a former judgment of the European Court of Human Rights – already ruled that residence in the transit zone constituted detention, she added.

The opinion now released follows the court’s judgment, and in this regard it has nothing new to offer, Ms. Varga stated, adding that following the court’s judgment, the government decided to close down transit zones.

“The Hungarian government will continue to protect the borders of Hungary and Europe also in the future, and will do everything it can to prevent the development of international migrant corridors,” the Minister stressed.

She indicated that declarations of intent regarding the submission of asylum applications can be submitted at some foreign representations.

“Pursuant to the Fundamental Law of Hungary, only the Hungarian people can decide whom they want to live together with in their own country. No one can make this decision for them. The Hungarian government is asking for a robust mandate from the Hungarian people for the representation of this position also through the national consultation,” Ms. Varga highlighted.

(Ministry of Justice/MTI)