“Thursday’s ruling by the Court of Justice of the European Union, which prohibits the use of phycologists as experts during the assessment of asylum requests, could open Hungary’s doors to migrants”, Hungarian daily Magyar Idők writes in its 26 January edition.

According to the paper, “There is a serious danger that more and more migrants could appear at our borders in future claiming to be homosexual, and that accordingly they must be allowed entry”.

In future, anyone will be able to gain entry to Hungary with this excuse “because the related international treaties do not allow asylum-seekers to be extradited to places where their lives of health could be endangered, and the African states, just like the countries of the Islamic world, generally punish sexual relations between people of the same sex extremely harshly, often with death”, the paper writes.

“The decision is a success for the Helsinki Commission, which received hundreds of millions in funding from George Soros’s network of Open Society Foundations, and is mandatory with relation to all member states of the European Union”, the article adds.

In a statement to Magyar Idők, the Ministry of Justice’s Parliamentary State Secretary Pál Völner commented on the court’s decision as follows: “The fact that experts in the field were not heard in the case and the judges decided on the issue themselves reveals everything one needs to know about the ruling”. According to the State Secretary, if the tests applied during the course of asylum proceedings are bad, the Psychology profession should be the one to state this, not a court.

“We are fully aware that a significant proportion of immigrants lie about their age and about their country of origin, and similarly, many are also capable of lying about their sexual orientation. And the immigration-assisting Soros network is facilitating this when it takes action against procedure that attempt to filter out and identify migrants in any way”, he added.

The background of the case involves the fact that a Nigerian citizen submitted a request for asylum in Hungary claiming that he is being persecuted in his home country for being a homosexual. A psychologist was assigned to the case as an expert, but failed to find proof that the man was indeed a homosexual, and accordingly the request was rejected. Doubts arose in the Hungarian court entrusted with reviewing the case concerning whether the sexual orientation of an asylum-seeker can be examined at all in such a manner, for which reason they turned to the European Court of Justice.