State Secretary for Cooperation in European and International Affairs of the Ministry of Justice Barna Berke took part in the Informal Meeting of Ministers for Justice and Home Affairs and the related Eastern Partnership meeting, held on 29-30 January 2015 in Riga, Latvia.

State Secretary for Cooperation in European and International Affairs of the Ministry of Justice Barna Berke took part in the Informal Meeting of Ministers for Justice and Home Affairs and the related Eastern Partnership meeting, held on 29-30 January 2015 in Riga, Latvia.

On 29 January, the EU and the Eastern Partnership countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine) discussed cooperation aimed at strengthening law enforcement and efforts for the support of judicial independence.

DownloadPhoto: European Council

On 30 January, ministers and representatives of Ministries of Justice, with regard to the recent Paris terrorist attacks, were ready to continue work on strengthening counter-terrorism measures at European level and exploring its judicial aspects. In this regard, participants adopted a common declaration on combating terrorism.

Discussions were held about the reform of the Data Protection Package and the General Data Protection Directive that would apply to police and criminal justice authorities. The scope of the directive should be extended according to the outlined standpoint which is shared by Hungary as well.

In line with the agenda, the possible ways of modernisation of online commercial transactions were examined on EU level. Hungary supports the new regulation in view of specific consumer protection rules and commits itself to play an active role. The possible development of e-Justice and e-Commerce should work on solutions which allow easier access to justice for citizens and companies.

State Secretary Barna Berke held a series of bilateral meetings with the representatives of the Visegrad Group countries, Slovenia and Croatia. They agreed on having further exchange of views and information regarding important questions of legislation. The State Secretary discussed the legislative proposal concerning the European Public Prosecutor's Office with MEP Monica Macovei.

(Ministry of Justice)