According to the Ministry of Justice’s Parliamentary State Secretary, Brussels is progressing according to the “Soros Plan”, despite the fact that the dispute concerning the mandatory resettlement quotas included in the billionaire’s vision “will soon become redundant” since the resolution’s scope of effect will expire on Tuesday.

Pál Völner stressed: “I became apparent from precisely the EU’s 4 September report that the original target will not be achieved”.

“There are certain voice in Brussels according to whom the mechanism will remain in place following 26 September, meaning the mandatory distribution of immigrants will continue”, he said.

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According to the State Secretary, this contravenes the resolution on the mandatory quotas and the decision of the European Court of Justice.

“This is indicated by the statement on Monday by EC spokesperson Tove Ernst, according to which the mechanism remains in force, and in which he called on member states to fulfil their undertaken duties and obligations with respect to transferring immigrants. And earlier statements by Commissioner for Immigration Dimitris Avramopoulos, ‘who is continuing to push for the introduction of permanent quotas’, also point in this direction”, Mr. Völner explained.

“The actual figures confirm the fact that the mandatory resettlement quota ‘has become redundant’, but there is nevertheless an infringement procedure in progress against Hungary, and it is possible that the Commission of the European Union will initiate legal proceedings against Hungary at the European Court of justice”, he added.

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“All this would be unnecessary if plans did not include the permanent, mandatory and unlimited resettlement quota, in accordance with George Soros’s original vision”, the State Secretary said.

(Ministry of Justice/MTI)