“Brussels should stop intensifying European integration and protect the results achieved so far instead of continuously creating newer and newer institutions to try and solve the problems”, Minister of Justice László Trócsányi said on Karc FM radio station’s Álláspont (“Standpoint”) show.

The Minister said he is committed to European integration, but sees a great deal of dysfunction in the operation of the European Union, citing as an example the idea of establishing a European prosecutor’s office, which in his view raises serious efficiency problems in view of the fact that both the EU’s anti-fraud office (OLAF) and Eurojus, which facilitates justice-related cooperation between member states, would also remain active. “Instead of establishing new organisations it would be more expedient to further strengthen the existing, well-functioning institutions”, he added.

Mr. Trócsányi highlighted the fact that 25 percent of European citizens may be regarded as being euro-sceptic and only 10 percent favour a federation in the spirit of the United States, while the majority fundamentally has no opinion on the issue.

“Accordingly, the responsibility of European decision-makers it to represent a realistic policy line that is not committed to either direction”, he said.

According to the Minister, the fact that the President of the Republic submitted a query to the Constitutional Court on Friday asking it to determine the unconstitutional nature and as such legal invalidity of certain passages of the Act on Civil Procedure adopted on 6 December, was received positively.

Mr. Trócsányi stressed that since taking office he regards the setting up of civil courts as one of his most important duties, one of the most important elements of which is the establishment of independent rules of civil procedure, and the constitutional review of the proposal could improve the acceptance of the motion.

(Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister/MTI)