An interview with Minister of Justice László Trócsányi was published in Voice Magazin's 1/2015 edition on the ongoing relationship between his Ministry and the American Chamber of Commerce, the newly signed strategic agreement between the two parties, and future plans.

Your career has taken in the roles of librarian, researcher, lawyer, university professor, a member of the Constitutional Court, and ambassador. How will they help you fulfill the role of Minister of Justice?

Law has played a very important role in my life. My father was a lawyer as well; sadly he was fired by the communist regime from the Ministry of justice in the 1950s. He was my first instructor in the field of law. After graduation, I worked in various positions and places, but among all these roles there is a link, which is my passion towards law and jurisprudence.

AmCham had a strong relationship with your immediate predecessor, underlined by the strategic agreement the two sides signed early in 2011. How do you see this relationship developing in the future?

The Ministry of Justice is the general successor of the former Ministry of Public Administration and justice, but this governmental agency has a different portfolio, our competencies are not the same. A change in one of the parties resulted in a new approach in our relationship, so we have already agreed how to work together in the future. The new strategic agreement that we signed on November 12 with AmCham is a solid basis for that.

How would you categorize the input from AmCham? How useful is it to you?

A quarter of a century has elapsed since the change of regime in Hungary. During these two-and-a-half decades, AmCham has worked permanently with us. We are all proud that the American Chamber of Commerce in Hungary was the first to be established in the Central and Eastern European region and became the largest in the area. Besides capital, AmCham also symbolizes American knowledge, know how, and ethics that are crucial to do fair and lucrative business. Many see the role of the Moj as a ‘factory of legislative drafting’. However, just as lawyers make a mistake if they distance themselves from reality, the Moj cannot live only in the academic world of law; we need inputs. AmCham, like hundreds of other non-governmental organizations, do a great favor to us when they provide us with their expert opinion. I personally appreciate that the companies represented by the chamber create jobs here in Hungary. We also note that a growing number of Hungarian companies also do business in the United States under the AmCham umbrella, making it a strong pillar for transatlantic relations.

What are the most pressing issues facing your Ministry right now?

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán generally mandated me upon my appointment to strengthen Hungary’s constitutional identity and public trust in the judicial system. My everyday work is subordinated to these principles. Hungary must create the right legal environment for investors. Almost every aspect of business life is linked to – sometimes even dependent on – the legal environment. Hungary adopted a new Basic Law with strict rules on public expenditure. We have a new Civil Code and Penal Code too, so new Civil and Penal Procedure Codes shall be adopted. I am convinced that a new system of administrative judiciary must be introduced to Hungary. The Moj also plays an important role in reshaping the rules of the financial and banking institutions; society must be freed from the trap of the foreign currency loans without destroying the market.

What are those areas where you count on AmCham and how can it best help?

In the framework of the agreement on strategic cooperation recently signed with AmCham, the chamber can see and comment on pieces of legislation prepared by the Ministry of justice. We count on the experience and constructive proposals of the chamber. In the codification work, all relevant parties shall have their say; it helps enforcement as well.

If you had one message to share with AmCham members, what would it be?

We have been working together for a long period of time to build up a prosperous and flourishing economy, and I count on AmCham in this endeavor for many years to come. I also wish to express the important role AmCham can play in enhancing the bilateral relationship between Hungary and the United States, as demonstrated by the speech of the Prime Minister at the silver jubilee event of AmCham held on November 14.

The interview was published in Voice Magazin's 1/2015 edition.

(Ministry of Justice)