In its report about the state of the rule of law, the European Commission disregarded the detailed summaries, data and comparative analyses sent by Hungary, the Justice Minister wrote on Facebook on Saturday.

Judit Varga recalled that in an interview given on Friday, Vice President of the European Commission Vera Jourová rejected Hungarian criticisms levelled in connection with the European Commission’s rule of law report. She also observed that during the drafting of the report, the ministries, prosecution services and other state agencies of Member States were the Commission’s main partners and sources.

By contrast, the truth is that the Commission “quite simply” disregarded the detailed summaries, data and comparative analyses sent by Hungary, Ms. Varga pointed out.

According to the Minister, the Vice President also neglected to mention another important detail, namely that the Commission’s report makes recurring references to certain civil-society organisations.

In the report, they quote the opinions of 12 non-governmental organisations 14 times, and 11 of these 12 organisations have recently received funding from the Open Society Foundations, Ms. Varga wrote.

(Ministry of Justice/MTI)